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The No-SSR component defers the rendering of children components from the server to the client.


No-SSR is a utility component that prevents its children from being rendered on the server.

This component can be useful in a variety of situations:

  • To create an escape hatch for broken dependencies that don't support server-side rendering (SSR)
  • To improve the time to first paint by only rendering above the fold
  • To reduce the rendering time on the server
  • To turn on service degradation when the server load is too heavy
  • To improve the Time to Interactive (TTI) by only rendering what's important (using the defer prop)



After installation, you can start building with this component using the following basic elements:

import NoSsr from '@mui/base/NoSsr';

export default function MyApp() {
  return <NoSsr>{/* element to be rendered on the client side */}</NoSsr>;


At its core, the No-SSR component's purpose is to defer rendering from the server to the client, as shown in the following demo:

Server and Client
Client only
Press Enter to start editing


Delay client-side rendering

You can also use No-SSR to delay the rendering of specific components on the client side—for example, to let the rest of the application load before an especially complex or data-heavy component.

The following demo shows how to use the defer prop to prioritize rendering the rest of the app outside of what is nested within No-SSR: